Saturday, April 17, 2010

In the throngs of editing

We, at The Modern Woman's Anthology are deeply stuck in the throngs of editing. And what a wonderful place it is! It is sheer an unadulterated pleasure. The woman have balanced their stories with personal perspectives and professionalism.

Our website has also gone live - super exciting. Not long now..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

California-Style Living High Above Sydney

A recent article from The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune here.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Modern Woman's Anthology 2010

As promised here is some information on the MWA 2010. Just because my friends and family really haven't heard enough about it...

The Modern Woman’s Anthology is a literary project that raises money for mental health. Twenty high-profile Australian women have submitted a chapter on the universal concept: What it means to be a woman in the modern world.

All proceeds will be donated to the Black Dog Institute, a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-orientated facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.

The writers include: Australian Athletic Hero Cathy Freeman, Award-Winning Children's Author Libby Hathorn, Media Savvy Dr. Cindy Pan, Chairman and Executive Director of Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation Dr Gene Sherman, Australian Local Hero & Oz Harvest Founder (2010) Ronni Kahn, Freelance Journalist Nicole Madigan Everest, Business Woman Jen Dalitz, Author & Media Personality Kathryn Eisman, Adventurer Kate Leeming, Trespass Editor Olivia Hambrett, Bush Personality Jane Grieve, Artist Kathy Ulpar-Altman, Short Story Teller Rebekah Clarkson, Speech Pathologist Annemarie Laurence, PR Personality Kate Engler, Acting Teacher Kate Ellis, Studio Executive at Sony Pictures Entertainment Stacey Kalish, Opera Singer Rosa Krel, Real Estate duo Pauline Goodyer & Debbie Donnelley and Author Juliet Darling.

The Anthology will be launched by Therese Rein and Professor Gordon Parker at Customs House in Sydney on 22 June. Attendees will include all the contributors, media representatives, politicians and writers for the 2011 edition.

Back from the blogging dead..

I've had an epic break from blogging - and my excuse, terrible but true, I forgot the email address I used for this blog. I'm so much a gmail girl now, that when I first logged onto Blogger I used my hotmail address. In the midst of all this identity crisis a lot has been happening. So shall I start at the beginning...

1. I was eventually published in The New York Times (and continue to get published, thank you Editors)
2. After my writers retreat, I created something called The Modern Woman's Anthology (more on that later)
3. I got my first 'contributors page' (one life goal down, that was up there with the social pages)
4. I've started a regular writing gig at The Agenda Daily.
5. And, most recently I was (or shall I say, my furniture) was rejected by the Salvation Army. But, more on Beggars CAN be chooses later.

I'm sure there is a lot more I've missed, but all in good time/s.